Christmas Time 2020

- Name ProjectChristmas Time 2020
- StatusDigital Art
- DesignerMarcello Cesini Architetto
- CategoryInterior Design
- PlaceHome
- Year2020
This year I decided to represent an empty room, ready for a Christmas lunch, a room that awaits those people who will arrive sooner or later. A bit like our heart this year, a heart that waits to be able to hug loved ones and friends again. A room that would like to emanate heat but is not entirely successful, because something is missing… A narrow and full room, which would need more space and to expand beyond the walls, to go out in search of the light that penetrates. A bit like us, tired of decrees and restrictions. A room which, however, brings joy and joy in some objects: gifts, socks full of sweets and children’s stuffed animals…those little things that still make us happy and that allow us to move forward in this period closed in room. But above all in this room there are thoughts framed among the stars: happiness, love, friendship, hugs and above all HOPE. And these are some of the thoughts that we all have in the stars inside our heads…
Merry Christmas 2020